AKYAS FSM products come with a key game-changing component -

What we do


a universally adaptable sanitary fitting Effluent Diversion Unit EDU that separates liquids from solids.

  • AKYAS novel EDU - Effluent Diversion Unit

    The AKYAS EDU allows for efficient separation of faecal solids from liquids (including cleansing water and flush water!) that enter a sanitation back-end system via pipings.

  • Using pre-existing household "infrastructure"

    Combining the AKYAS EDU with typical pit latrines, our retrofitted system can make use of the resources that households already have, such as toilet pan, slab, pit rings.

  • Enabling on-site treatment methods at low cost

    As faecal solids and liquids are separated by the EDU onsite, more targeted treatments for the solids and liquids can happen and at lower costs. In particular, the effluent liquids leaving the AKYAS EDU has much “cleaner” characteristics than blackwater, so, the subsequent effluent treatment system can be much simpler and smaller!

Our approach


We co-create solutions to suit local contexts.

Diagnosis: We conduct sanitation-related needs and market assessments in target communities.

Co-creation: We hold workshops and discussions with sanitation ecosystem stakeholders to understand how our solutions need to be modified to meet their needs.

Testing: We propose our modified solutions, test them out and share with these stakeholders for further feedback.

Operation: We start pilot operations with key local actors once we find a good fit for our solutions with the communities’ needs.

Scale: We expand our operations after our pilot operations run smoothly.

Diagnosis (again): We learn from our journey through documentation and evaluation and adjust our action accordingly.

Sanitation challenge


Half of the world's population is not connected to sewer network.

Pit latrine is a popular option in such settings. However, most latrine pits are not effectively managed, resulting in various issues.

In fact, typical FSM process consists of 5 steps:

1. Containment > 2. Emptying > 3. Transportation > 4. Treatment > 5. Disposal/ reuse.

AKYAS’ technical approach to the challenge of FSM is to simplify the 5-step typical value chain.

We first address the unique challenge of separation of liquids from faecal solids among “washers” populations (who use water for body cleansing after defecation) in step 1. By doing this, we also reduce the liquid content in the faecal solids portion, which then opens up a myriad of benefits.

In short, we make on-site FSM much easier and efficient!